Bookshare recently released a light-weight API that enables one to implement custom Bookshare clients. Though Bookshare is fully accessible using either Emacs/W3 or Emacs/W3M from within the Emacspeak desktop, browser based interaction often involves more clicks than are absolutely necessary to finish the task at hand.
Welcome module emacspeak-bookshare, a fully
integrated Bookshare client for the Emacspeak desktop.
Module emacspeak-bookshare provides a special
Bookshare Interaction
mode that provides single
keystroke commands for searching, downloading and viewing
Bookshare materials from within the comfort of the Emacspeak
Module Emacspeak-bookshare is now checked into SVN,
and will be bundled as part of the next Emacspeak release.To
learn how to use Bookshare Interaction on the audio desktop, see
command emacspeak-bookshare
; to view the help for
Bookshare Interaction,
invoke command describe-mode
within the Bookshare
Interaction buffer.
Read and Enjoy!